Part 2
The "LINE" tool.
Well at this point, it's time to start drawing.
On the "draw" toolbar, click the
left mouse button on the tool “Line”.
Is the key with this icon
Now look what came written in the "command line".
The program suggesting steps that have to do to create a line, in this case is asking you to "Specify first point" (to specify the first point of the line).
Now click with the mouse in a point mean any of the canvas and then looks back at what appears in the "command line":
"Specify next point" (specify the second point).
Now move the mouse on one side and you'll see that you are creating a line, before clicking the second test with the mouse to rotate around the first point you've already laid down, you'll see the line that follows your movement in all directions .
Click and then at another point in the drawing slightly away from the first, doing so will create the first line between the two points just defined.
At this point, the program gives you the opportunity to continue to create more connected line segments to the first, by clicking with the mouse in other areas of the screen.
To stop the command and end the line, click the right mouse button, or press the "enter" key on your keyboard.
You can resume the command line just completed by pressing one of two buttons (right-click or enter), or by clicking again the "line" button
on the toolbar.
To create a line and then it took at least four clicks of the mouse:
beginning of the command, the first point, second point, the end of the control (Right).
To run the various commands of AutoCAD you must use different combinations of mouse buttons that we will see from time to time, with practice you will become automatic and runs them without thinking.
However, if during the execution of this or any other commands you seem to have some wrong step by clicking the "esc" key on your keyboard to quit the command and you can start over.
In the latest versions of AutoCAD may be that during the execution of commands are displayed information and the numbers next to the cursor, those who repeat the "command line", as well as others.
It is called "Dynamic Input" and can be disabled by clicking on this button
Personally, I find it annoying but it is subjective, initially anyway disable this.
The “ORTHO” function.
Now try to press the key "F8" on your keyboard and get the command line (line), click to establish the first point and then try to move the mouse back to it, you'll see that now the line no longer moves in all directions but only in the vertical and horizontal.
Click again to the second point of the line and then with the right to end the command.
Continue to press several times F8 and watch the "command line" and other small buttons below it.
Press "F8" then turn on or off the "ortho", or alternatively you can click on the button under the "command line".
This essential function allows us to draw precisely vertical and horizontal lines, but it is also useful to move or copy items orthogonally to each other; in technical drawing, it is usually used and it can be enabled or disabled at any time, even during the execution of a command.
Drawing with Autocad you must never go at random, although it appears to do so, not to be drawn vertical or horizontal lines without the "ortho" activated.